Monday, May 16, 2011

A Wig Factory of Lies

The French Blonde is a fan of all sorts of clever turns of phrase, including the title of this post, which was written by GoFugYourself in a totally invented conversation between Karl Lagerfeld and Blake Lively (known as "Boobs Legsly" to GFY). This is how it goes:

BOOBS: Hey, Kaiser! Can I call you Kaiser?

KARL LAGERFELD: No. not unless we’ve met before, and even so, nicknames are for lazy. REPENT.

BOOBS: Right, cool, got it. But seriously, it’s me. It’s Blake.

KARL: Blake Carrington?

BOOBS: Blake Lively. The face of Chanel.

KARL: No, knave. You are a wig factory of LIES.

Seriously, the FB thinks this is genius. She cannot wait to use the phrase herself in conversation, but fears that one actually has to be Karl Lagerfeld to strike the right note of absurdity and stentorian disapproval.
And on another note, the FB loves Blake Lively. If the FB were eight, she'd want her Barbie to look just like her.

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